Integrated circuit (IC) an important part of electronic.

What is Integrated Circuit ?

 A Integrated Circuit is also called as IC. Which is most important part of the electronic. sometimes called a Chip, is a Semiconductor. Integrated circuits In which thousands or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors are fabricated. An IC can function in many ways for Ex:- amplifieroscillator, timer, counter, computer memory, or microprocessor. A particular IC can be categorized as either linear (analog) or digital, depending on its intended application.


Integrated circuit is always made of Semiconductor.

Most of the ICs are made of silicon and germanium, which is abundant in ordinary beach sand. Pure crystalline silicon, as with other semiconducting materials, has a very high resistance to electrical current at normal room temperature. In particular, the doped silicon can be used as a switch, turning current off and on as desired. However, after addition the addition of certain impurities, the silicon can be made to conduct usable current.

Types of Integrated circuits.

1. Analog IC (Linear IC).

2. Digital IC.

1. analog IC are for example:- Radio amplifiers, Audio amplifiers, Voltage regulators, comparators, timers, Ops amplifiers.


2. Digitals IC are for example:- digitals IC contains logic gates AND,OR,  NAND, XOR, Flip flop, Counters. which normally works on digitals circuits 0 means 0 Volts and 1 indicates +5V.


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